Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My son... the democrat?


OK, let me give you a little bit of history here...

First of all, we're talking about my 7 1/2 year old, Jeff. He loves all things boy: Transformers, video games, Star Wars, sports, etc. He loves both of his parents dearly. He's a definite Mama's Boy, but aims to make Daddy proud also. His favorite conversation pieces are usually poop, what he wants for Christmas, or movies/video games.

Early this last Summer while he and his sister were here (he lives out of state with his Dad) something had come up about politics. This was while the primaries were still going on and he saw something with a picture of Obama on it and said something about what a great guy he was. Now, having been married to his father for nearly 5 years I wasn't surprised as I knew the man raising my son is a hard core democrat. The way I see it, when it comes to politics I'm not going to force my kids one way or the other, but I will try to make sure they see both sides in EVERY situation. He lives with a democrat, so being 7 years old he's going to be a democrat, for now, also. I mean, what view points can he really have? That's fine. I just showed him some pictures of Fred Thompson... and then a week later of John McCain... lol... and told him these were great guys but they all have their faults and that I'm not at all too crazy about Obama. What do you think he asked me then...

"But what about Hillary Clinton?"

Wow! This kid knows his stuff (He later implied that his step mom was one of her followers.) This conversation carried on for a bit and I think I got across to him that there are both good and bad things about all the candidates, but that we need to pay attention to the important grown up things. I explained that some things he'll understand in a few years, and some now, etc. From my stand point he was very open in his thinking for the rest of the summer, and felt comfortable asking me questions. When I didn't know the answer, I told him honestly that I was unsure and that he should ask his step dad, Grandpa (my dad), or maybe even our pastor. He was liking McCain a little more and more, but still liked Obama. I wasn't reading too much into it, but was very proud of my little man.

So, fast forward to yesterday, Oct. 29th...

Me: So who do you think is going to win the election for president next week?

Jeff: That guy you're voting for tells a lot of lies.

Me: Well, so does the other guy Jeff.

J: Really?

M: Yeah, they are politicians. That's what they do unfortunately.

J: That's not fair.

M: No it's not.

J: Hey! Did you know that Hillary Clinton used to be married to Bill Clinton and he used to be the president until he was killed?

M: Yeah, but she's still married to him.

J: She is? I thought he was dead!

M: Nope, he's still alive.

J: Oh, well, he's not president anymore. George Bush is, and he's not a good president. Bill Clinton was the best president, but that was a really long time ago.

M: Not that long silly, he just stopped being president 2 months before you were born.

J: I know! That was a LONG time ago! Mom? Did you know that when George Washington was president there weren't cars yet? Now that was a long time ago.

M: Yeah, it was.

J: Who was president when cars were invented?

M: I don't know. I can't remember.

J: You should ask Grandpa... or Bobby. They would know, maybe they were there!

I'm pretty certain that my Grandma rolled over in her grave. I blame Crystal for this... she's not doing her job as "godmother". (Kidding, as usual, she wanted to make sure her name was mentioned in my blog...) I asked Tommy if we should ground Jeff and tie him up in his room when he's of voting age and Tommy growled as though he was yelling "Yes!". Though I would never do such a thing to Jeff, I'd like to think that this was confirmation that Tommy will be republican. I'm a nerd, I know.

And another purse string has been cut... :sigh: My baby is growing up too fast!!!

(For the record, I love all of my children equally regardless of their personal viewpoints.)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Serial Killer Material

At one point in time I had this genius idea. Yes, it only happened once. I'm sorry to disappoint.

It started with a simple photo of my first child's newborn foot. It was one of my favorite photos for years, and still is. A few years later, I started taking photos of random feet. Ugly, pretty, big, small, shoes, boots, bare, etc. My thought was that I was going to create a coffee table book titled "Keep Your Feet On The Table" or something geeky like that. I don't remember. I even had friends and acquaintances sending me photos for the compilation. It was great.

Then my laptop crashed... and I lost the majority of my photos!

Naturally, over time, I lost interest.

But now... because of the title of this blog I have been inspired to do the same but with EYES!

Won't you? Won't you please? Let me put my camera up to your eye and flash my brilliant light into your life?

Seriously, everyone, feel free to send me photos of your eyes... or cropped photos only including the eyes. I'm weird, creepy, and might just be a freak. Why should that stop you? Try to make it artistic... If it goes well enough maybe I'll get back to my original idea about feet. You never know!

I Feel Like Chicken Tonight...

Last night we had Monterey Chicken. This is basically Bobby's version of the Chili's favorite... minus the tomatoes. For some reason, he is not fond of that part...

First he makes the bacon, then sautes the onions in the bacon grease. (Naturally, draining some of the grease after each...) After completing both of those tasks he browns/cooks the chicken in the bacon grease. Once done, top with BBQ sauce, bacon, onions, and of course... CHEESE!!!! Mmmm.... So delicious. I made garlic mashed potatoes to accommodate the main course. Usually we also have a green vegetable or artichoke dip and bread/chips, but we weren't THAT hungry last night.

Another recipe Bobby makes often is Parmesan Chicken. It is as follows... (This is the email he sent me when Crystal asked for the recipe last week...)

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Bob Schott wrote:
I don't have any measurements. It's all a process thing.

Thaw chicken
Beat your meat
Dip chicken in egg wash (Beat a couple of eggs with a splash of milk - some salt and pepper)
Coat chicken in bread crumbs (Progresso Italian Bread Crumbs, Parmesan Cheese)
Dip chicken in egg wash again
Coat chicken in bread crumbs again
Brown in pan of olive oil on med-high heat
Bake in oven @ 400 for 20-25 minutes (until chicken is done)
spoon spaghetti sauce on chicken and top with a slice of mozzarella cheese
bake for another 2 to 5 minutes

Tonight, we're on to another use of chicken. Chicken Tacos!!! I actually learned this recipe from one of the many various Disney message boards I used to participate in a few years ago. See! They were good for something other than chaos, geekdom, and unnecessary drama! ;)

Now pay attention... this gets complicated...

  1. Get out your crock pot
  2. Take frozen chicken out of freezer
  3. Place chicken in crock pot
  4. Pour about half jar (for about 1 lb of meat) of salsa over chicken
  5. Place lid on crock pot
  6. Set to low for 6-8 hours... or on high for 2-4.
  7. Prepare flour tortillas to your liking, along with vegetables and other garnishments such as CHEESE and sides such as canned re fried beans.
  8. Put it all together, call the family to the table, and EAT!

Chicken will break apart easily... and be so tender and flavorful... Mmm.... Seriously, one of the best meals ever and yet one of the simplest. Gotta love it!

Now, to share with you all the song that is stuck in my head...

Next time I'll likely be writing about Cheesy Chicken Noodles... Mmm...

Fall Fun Day!!!

I'm so excited for this Saturday! It's going to be a blast! (I just wish Jeff and Becca were here to attend...) All of you with kids, come on out! It's gonna be great!

Saturday November 1st 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Trinity Full Gospel Church
235 N. Lena Road
San Bernardino, CA
Hope to see you there!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Angie: What was that movie that came out a few years ago about a fart or something? I can't remember. I never saw it... Mighty Wind or something? Know what I'm talking about?

Bobby: An Inconvenient Truth?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Don't Even Think Twice...

"Call my name, say it now
I want you to never doubt
The love I have for you is so alive"
Third Day - Call My Name

I love music. I really do. I am obsessed with beats, melodys, lyrics, and everything involved and in between. Unfortunately I was not blessed to have a voice to sing or coordination to play piano any better then "ok" in my adulthood. But that's ok, I still enjoy it all.

I've listened to so many different types of music in my life, all types of genres. I've been to concerts and shows and even late night music sessions. Lyrics are probably my favorite, and I've been partial to a lot of them...

But just for one second read the lyrics I've put up at the top of this post... then really think about them. Read them over and over.

God will NEVER fail us! Isn't that amazing? As much as my husband or friends/family love me, I can ask them for help and may sometimes have to doubt, just because they are human. My husband may simply forget that I'm really hoping he remembers to bring me home Diet Coke tonight (I'm human too, after all...) and then I may have to go out to the store... But when God says he's there... when he says he's going to do something... when all of the world calls me crazy for being a Christian... when I myself even at one time doubted... when there are elections, personal conflicts, wars, illnesses, financial problems, depression, fears, or anything else big or small... HE IS HERE!!!! And the best part: HE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE!

Those have to be some of the most beautiful lyrics I've ever heard. Nothing gets more real than that!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This...

I've been having some strange dreams lately. I don't know how to explain some of them, but I'm pretty sure of most of their origins.

(Before I go any further, I must tell you that Crystal is insisting I blog this. First, she made fun of me about my "Desi's In The Village" blog, then that night I had this dream. Naturally, she felt that I should blog about the dream... mostly just for her benefit to have something else to make fun of me for. What can I say? I'm a good friend. "The Friendometriosis" as she would say... Anyways...)

For example: 2 nights ago I had a dream that the owner of "Desi's In The Village" called me to let me know he was going to be closed for a little while because someone had been murdered in the restaurant. He reassured me that he was not the killer, and that they would reopen. He even said that the reason he called was because he saw my blog and knew that I was going to be driving up the mountain soon and he didn't want us to travel all that way for nothing.

Now, this wasn't just one of those simple dreams. It was one of those where you dream you already woke up and it seems completely realistic. Something awoke me from this dream and I asked Bobby where the phone is. When he said "Huh?" I said I was on the phone with Desi's. He then said "What?" to which I realized I was making a fool out of myself and said never mind. If he realized what I said (Like the time in my sleep I told him that I wasn't a mushroom... or the time I told my cousin Paula to turn me over and put me back in the microwave for 30 seconds (In that dream I was a burrito) I would have never heard the end of it.

I love when I have a weird dream like this, that I can so quickly dissect!
  1. Obviously the dream involved the restaurant and blog because Crystal had just teased me for it earlier in the day.
  2. The phone had rang earlier in the morning and I didn't get up to answer it. (It was Crystal, she'll get over it.)

  3. The night before Bobby stupidly rented "The Strangers". Wasn't that nice of him? Renting a movie about home invasions the night before leaving me home alone while he worked late? I had murder on the brain...
  4. I'm just flat out weird. What can I say?

So, there you have it folks! I know most of this blog was a ramble, but frankly, I don't care. Rambling is what blogging is all about, and it's fun. Be warned though, I like to talk about my dreams a lot... and I can do that here all I want... Mwuhahahaha...

Obviously, I know I'm a dork/nerd/doofus/idiot. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted that picture...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This Is Stupid...

So, Bobby has to work late tonight and I'm home alone until he gets home... which will be about 1 am or so.

I don't know what it is that being home "alone" (Tommy's here... but he can't really defend me unless he were to puke on an intruder... though I'm sure the smell of his puke also wards off evil spirits.) that makes me feel like a little kid again. I eat the food I wouldn't eat if Bobby were home for dinner. I watch the movies he hates. I usually get done all the stuff I wouldn't normally be able to do if he were home, IE: organizing, cleaning, etc. since I would be spending time with him and the baby instead. I basically break all the rules!

I also get scared.

I hate it! I know there is no logical reason for me to be scared, and that God is on the throne and still in control. But I'm still scared! It's just so dumb. Grrr... I hope he hurries home!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One Week Of Seperation

Ok, so yeah, I know... I said I was going to blog about our honeymoon...

Well, here is where our favorite place to eat was. Unfortunately, we only found it the day before we came home so we only ate there once. We have full intentions to return once a month (except when chains are required) to eat the delicious fare.

Where is this place, you ask? Desi's In The Village is the name! I've never had chicken like that, and I swear everyday for the last week my tastebuds are torturing me with the memory of how spectacular they were. Bobby swears that his burger was the best one he's ever had. Do you know how big of a deal it is for Bobby to say something was "the best"? Don't even let me start talking about the fries though, because this blog will never end...

We actually had the pleasure of having the owner for our waiter (who also seems to be some snow board guy... forgive me for not knowing who he is, I don't follow much with sports these days...) who told us all the things he's done with his newly opened restaurant and what he plans to do. When he didn't recognize right away that I needed a drink refill he actually told me to yell at him or throw an ice cube at him the next time, cracked me up. He also stated that the restaurant had been featured on MTV3 as a back drop/set.

Um, did I mention they have deep fried desserts? Oreos, peanut butter cups, ice cream, etc... yeah. I didn't try any, as I didn't have enough room after scarfing down my lunch... but some time I'm going to go up just to try the dessert menu out.

Anyways, that is all I have to say about this little endorsement. Just felt I should write a blog to explain why I keep craving this wonderful food in the future...

Desi's In The Village
40766 Village Dr
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
(909) 866-3374

Monday, October 20, 2008

Critter Country!


I so wish I had pictures to go with this post, I believe everyone needs to see what all lives on the property here with us. (Note that I didn't say in the house. Luckily the worst we've seen in here are tiny harmless bugs and spiders.)

So, first of all, the first week we lived here and every week following we have seen/heard the following:

  • Skunks - Not a surprise given the location of our home... but one seems to have a "home" in the ivy in front of our house and likes to commute to the hills behind our home via our yard. I'm going to look up repellent today... and to be safe I may buy a case of tomato juice next time I'm at Sam's Club.
  • Possums - Once again, not a surprise. So far, these seem to be "transients" and not actually living anywhere in our yard... to our knowledge. Our back yard is a HUGE mess that the landlord keeps promising to clean up. (We're about to give up...) Still, they just have to be the nastiest little creatures. Seriously. I've hated possums from a very young age. GROSS!
  • Bats - I haven't actually seen one, but we can hear them at night. Luckily it sounds as though they are in the distance.
  • Bugs/Spiders - This is Southern California. To take it a step further, the Inland Empire. Black Widows are a given. Having grown up out here I knew that, thankfully they aren't as bad here as they are in Big Bear... and we haven't seen any in our home. Bugs and meaningless spiders don't bother us too much. I surrounded the exterior of the house yesterday with moth balls and that seems to be helping with the night time fliers.
  • Tarantulas - I'm not including this with spiders because they are just too big and deserve their own moment in this blog. My parent's live only a few miles away and I don't think I EVER saw one of these roaming wildly through the yard. The first one was a week after we moved in. Bobby was helping me get the baby in the truck on our way to church and I noticed it on the walk way. The second one was just chilling on the wall yesterday when we were trying to get the BBQ going. I'm hoping that as we get into winter we don't see anymore of these. Sure, spiders are a thing of fall, but these are just EWW!!!
  • Woodpeckers - They don't bother me too much, but Bobby isn't a fan. I'm sure I'll change my mind when the cold weather kicks in.

I'm proud to say, I haven't seen a snake here yet and I hope it continues this way. The neighbor behind us (on the top of the hill) cleared out most of the hillside this weekend so I'm sure we're going to have refugees seeking shelter in our mess of a terrace in the back yard. I just pray we can get it cleaned up SOON!

All this aside, I still love my home... I think I'm just going to have to come up with an amazing defense plan and put it into action...


Sometimes it is just so good to know God is in control, isn't it?

No matter what is going on, what is predicted, who is claiming to be in charge, or what is being said... to know that God is the one who has the final say makes everything so much easier. Without God, we'd have to sit around with fret and worry. Could you imagine?

I'm going to thank God now for the victory that is ahead... and for the challenge he's allowed me so that I may learn and have personal growth.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We're HOME!!!

Wow! That was the best honeymoon I could have ever dreamed of. I truly have an amazing husband who goes out of his way to make sure we both have a relaxing and enjoyable time not only every weekend, but when we're on vacation.

There is so much to document about this trip, and I promise to do so soon. I think the coolest thing was hearing an african lion roaring every so often during our trip. Yes, I did say lion. I know we were in Big Bear. I'll explain later... Right now I've gotta get a grocery list put together and a trip to Sam's Club and Stater Bros. or Ralph's under way... I'll be back!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Here I Go...

Well, today has arrived. My big shopping day! It even involves a mall or two, yikes. Did I mention I'll have an almost 7 month old in tow? It's gonna be so much fun! I can't WAIT! I actually mean that, not at all sarcastically. Sure, having Tommy with me will make it a challenge... but any day involving Sephora gets my blood running and my body energized. WOO HOO!

2 more days and we'll be gone. I'm so excited!

Tommy kept us up most of the night. His allergies had him congested and he's still trying to adjust to the new home. OF COURSE he's fine this morning. You'd NEVER know that kid had booger issues last night. Oh well.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

60 Years

I just feel I should say something about what today is...

60 years ago today my Grandparents, Paul Carnahan & Dorothy Colson, were married. (If you knew them, can you spot them in the picture?)

Their biggest goal was to be married 50 years, however this dream was cut short when my Grandfather passed away just a few short years of the mark. I've never seen two people as in love with each other as these two were.

In reflection, I have not set a goal of years for my marriage, but that Bobby and I might be as happy and in love as they are... every day, for the rest of our lives.

What A Difference A Day Makes...

Wow. Don't get me wrong, I'm still sick... but my goodness. I feel SO much better!

Now it's on to those last minute things to get done before we head out on Sunday. Naturally, I'm running behind. I've started on my shopping list, but have yet to actually write/type out what we need to pack for both us and for the baby while he's at my Mom's while were gone. I plan to do some of the shopping tomorrow, and begin packing on Saturday. Such excitement!

Looks like tonight we'll be having spaghetti. It just seems silly to run out and do grocery shopping when we're going to be out of town, so I'm just going to have to make something here. I usually really enjoy spaghetti, but tonight one of our neighbors is barbecuing. It smells SO good... I can almost taste it! Maybe when we get back we'll fire ours up.

Tommy has actually taken a few half decent naps today. The one he's taking right now is included in that. It's been a rough week of very little napping for him. I'm not too sure if it's teething, adjusting to the new home, defiance, or all 3. Regardless, I'm glad he's getting some rest. I've been on the search for a new pediatrician. Not only is he due for shots, but his reflux seems to be worse when he's supposed to be outgrowing it. Poor guy...

Guess I should go start dinner...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Of Course!

Here I sit, only 4 days left until Bobby and I leave for our honeymoon, and I'm sick. I'm pretty sure it's just Hay Fever, and I strongly pray that I'm well before then, but I have to admit I'm scared. I don't want to be sick on our honeymoon! That was one of the main reasons we postponed our honeymoon when we got married, BECAUSE I WAS SICK. :( What fun is a cabin in the mountains if you're congested and bothered by the high altitude?

I'm trying so hard to not think of that huge list of "Things To Do Before Sunday". I just have to trust it will all get done one way or another.

By the way... everyone, try Theraflu Warming Relief Cold and Chest Congestion. No joke. My Mom brought some by for me earlier today, and it's been a BIG help. Awesome stuff.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's here!!!

My Blackberry arrived about an hour or so ago...

I'm so happy! Off to play with my new toy!

The Never Ending List Of Things To Do...


I'm not the biggest fan of poultry... another way in which I've grown up. As a teen I preferred it over red meat any day. Once I matured, however, I realized that the tastes of my childhood were much more intellectual than that of my adolescents.

What draws me to chicken then? Why do I cook/bake with it so often? Well, let's go over this, shall we?

  • Price. It's cheaper than eating red meat and when bought frozen/skinless/boneless is REALLY cheap.
  • Health. Red meat is good. I mean it's really goooooood. But chicken has a lot of good things about it too.
  • VARIETY! There is so much more that you can do with chicken than you can with steak.
  • Ease. Bake, boil, broil, grill, fry, brown, I could go on and on and on. Actually, I can't. I really can't thin of much more than that. But still. There isn't a lot of work to making chicken unless you want there to be.

And now, for my series on chicken.... here is my first entry:

Teriyaki Chicken

Last night for dinner I wow'd Bobby. Trust me, this takes A LOT to do. He's rarely that impressed. Not to that degree, at least. I didn't really do anything special, just the following.

I pounded out 2 once frozen but thawed chicken breasts and then did my usual... set them on the baking sheet and opened my spice cabinet. This is the fun part! Well, since we just moved "ground ginger" had made her place up to the front of the cabinet instead of her usual lonely place in the back. After adding kosher salt, pepper, & garlic salt (rarely is something in this home made without garlic, garlic powder, or garlic salt) I thought the ginger would be a nice addition. I placed the chicken in the oven for the usual time, basting with teriyaki sauce 10 minutes before completion, and made the steamed broccoli and rice.

Seriously, it had to be one of the simplest things I've ever made. Yet it made that man fall even more in love with me. Life is grand.

Tonight, I'm making his favorite: Pork Chops!

Any Moment Now

My doorbell is going to ring today. It may in fact happen more than once. I do know for a fact though that it WILL ring.

I love modern technology. Not only can you shop from the convenience of your own home in the middle of the night on a Saturday to order yourself a brand new pink Blackberry Curve, but you can check with FedEx to see just exactly what day it will arrive. What luxury!

The time the doorbell will ring is a mystery... but I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat and next to my window until then... anxiously awaiting the arrival of my crackberry.

I've been meaning to do this for awhile...

For some time I've been wanting to switch back to the blog spot format from the simple Myspace blog. Why haven't I? Most likely sheer laziness. The blog spot I had in the past was something I wrote when I wasn't at all the person I am now. I took a lot of time to set it up and "perfect" it and then I turned my life around. To read what I wrote then would only make me sad and angry... but then again to know the miracle that God has performed in helping me change who I was is such a blessing!

So, here I am, a new place to live with new addresses, new phone numbers, and a wonderful family. Time for a new blog! :)

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