Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Well well well...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:07 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Challenges, Christmas, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Fun, Geekdom, Global Warming, God, Holidays, Kids, Marriage, Mushy, Parenting, Pregnancy, Romance
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thank you Bobby...
For now this is stuck in my head... just as you wished...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
3:16 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Art, Bobby, Everyday Life, Funny, Geekdom, Stupidity
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Blog From Crystal...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
2:44 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Art, Challenges, Crystal, Dreams, Everyday Life, Freak, Geekdom, Girly Stuff, Stalkers, Stupidity
Morning Sickness = 0 Angie = 1
HAHA! Take that!!! I WILL beat you! Taste my chicken nuggets of fury and dwell in my sprite forever! I will crush you with my sea bands and punch you with preggie pops!
Um... sorry... hormones got away from me again...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
2:25 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Challenges, Chicken, Everyday Life, Food, Geekdom, Icky, Kids, Parenting, Pregnancy, Stupidity
All the more reason to eat at Carl's Jr!
Uncle Butch and Aunt Ruth support the Carl's Jr Chili Cheese Burger and Fries... and you know I'm all about supporting Uncle Butch and Aunt Ruth! Guess what I'm having for dinner?
Some say sell out... I say a work of genius!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
11:34 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: CHEESE, Everyday Life, Family, Food, Fun, Geekdom, Restaurants
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008

At least not in "Licorice". I'd prefer "Empire Red".
Someday... someday we'll be together like we were always meant to be. We'll bake breads, grate cheese, make gingerbread, ice cream, and so many other wonderful things.
You're my mixer, my KitchenAid Pro 600 Mixer. I'll wait for you, yes, I'll wait for you...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
2:43 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Baking, Challenges, Cooking, Disappointment, Dreams, Food, Freak, Geekdom, Girly Stuff, Romance, Shopping, Stupidity
This is all I have to say about that...
(This is the only decent video of this song I could find, sorry.)
Tall Tales Taste Like Sour Grapes - Fair To Midland
To much patience
No resistance
Within shouting distance you can hear a blind mans bluff
Dragging names through the mud instead of biting his tongue
The devils in the air and I'm spitting out prayers
While the rubber necks all get their fill
Tell me, tell me a story
Tell me not to worry
Or pick up the phone
So I'm turning, turning a deaf ear
So that I don’t hear him throwing stones
To much hog wash not enough hear say
always made the front page
He could use a fine tooth comb
to get a word from the wise
Would be a welcome surprise
Keep an ear to the ground so to drown out the sound
cause the dead air is what made me whole
Tell me, tell me a story
Tell me not to worry
Or pick up the phone
So I'm turning, turning a deaf ear
So that I don’t hear him throwing stones
These walls don’t talk
Even when somebody knocks
These walls don’t stand
For anyone else but themselves
These walls wont fall
Even when gravity's failing us all
Tell me, tell me a story
Tell me not to worry
Or pick up the phone
So I'm turning, turning a deaf ear
So that I don’t hear him throwing stones
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
1:06 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Art, Challenges, Everyday Life, Icky, Music