Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Mommy loves you so much!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Happy Birthday, Becca!!!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Mommy loves you so much!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
9:58 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Birthday, Challenges, Dreams, Family, Kids
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Almost The Weekend!
It's finally Thursday! This week has not gone how I thought it would. It hasn't been "bad", just wasn't what I expected.
First off, I was wrong. Tommy didn't need shots. But the poor little man did have an ear infection. I was shocked! The Dr told me there was no way to tell as he wasn't showing any symptoms, but I still felt like a jerk for not knowing. He's on antibiotics 3 times a day and recovering very well. In the beginning he had a bit of a runny nose (that I thought was from teething) that is nearly gone.
Did I mention he took 3 steps on his own last Saturday? He's growing up so fast! He seems to say new words every day and tries to sound like he's saying a lot more. He's such a handsome and funny little guy!
My sinus infection is A LOT better! It feels so good to breath again! Thank God! And thank you so much to those of you that prayed for me, I appreciate it. Now, if this morning sickness would just let up... Out of all of my pregnancies, I'd say the worst morning sickness was with Jeffrey. However, this one is quickly catching up. Thomas was so easy on me that I thought maybe it just gets easier with each baby for me. NOPE! I was wrong... so here I am, finding out every day that I have more and more aversions for things. Something new every day makes me disgusted. The last 2 nights I've only been able to eat dinner if I started it off with a quesadilla. My energy levels are ridiculously low also. Bobby and I joke that it must be twins... but then I wonder "What if it really is?" and freak out a little. I've decided to ignore entertaining this joke/thought until my first ultrasound... especially since for the same reasons it was predicted Jeff was twins, and obviously he was not. All complaining and annoyances aside though, I feel so blessed to be having another baby. Poor Bobby though... he's so patient with me. I'm so lucky to have him, caring for me when I feel my worst without complaint though I can tell he'd rather be doing ANYTHING else.
It's going to be so nice to do "nothing" this weekend. Sure, I've gotta go to the grocery store at some point and maybe a little house work, but we have no absolute plans other than church on Sunday. Wait... I don't think we do! Maybe I should double check...
And there is Tommy's whimper letting me know that nap time is over for him, and computer time is over for me...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:04 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Challenges, Disappointment, Everyday Life, Family, Icky, Kids, Marriage, Mushy, Parenting, Pregnancy
Monday, January 5, 2009
I've survived...
So the last few days I've had a horrid sinus infection... and I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whew! The problem is that I still have morning sickness... more pronounced even. Oh well, that's ok. I guess.
Bobby was amazing about taking care of both Tommy and I this weekend. I feel bad that he didn't really get to relax over the weekend. Hopefully this weekend things will be back to "normal".
Today I have to take Tommy in for his check up and shots. Poor little guy! He's fighting taking a nap right now though he desperately needs it. He's certainly going to wish he took a nap later today when we are at the Dr's office.
I finally decided on an OB and hospital this weekend. I'm still kind of in "shock" over this pregnancy, but it's starting to kick in also. On Saturday I had to go into Urgent Care for my infection and the way the Dr was discussing my pregnancy kind of made it more real. Wow, we're really going to have another baby!
I've really been missing Jeff and Becca a lot more than usual lately. Hopefully next month we'll be able to head up there for a visit. Fingers crossed!
I can't believe I've developed an aversion for garlic. What kind of world is this where I actually don't want anything to do with garlic?! It's a sick joke!
Well, time to start packing the diaper bag and getting me and Tommy ready. Hope all of you (Kathy) are doing well! LOL
P.S. "The Cloak" didn't work. ;)
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:47 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Challenges, Everyday Life, Family, Icky, Kids, Parenting, Pregnancy, Stalkers, Travel