REALLY liking this song... Bobby even mentioned the words "Not Bad" when I asked what he thought of it... ENJOY! Not just great lyrics, but I also enjoy every other aspect of the song!
I definitely plan on buying the album when it releases in May!
I've had some Jars Of Clay popping up on my iPod lately, and I forgot just how much I love them. One of my favorites: (Video quality isn't the best...)
God, I admit I haven't changed
Playing card houses still covering my landscape
I never expected You to stay
When I'm grabbing for these crumbs and cold loose change
I feel Your grace come running over every road
I love the way You're calling overflow
I feel Your grace come running over every road
You break the floodgates down and carry all
God, I admit that I've loved these chains
And crawling around this cage sometimes has its advantages
I know someday this could get old
And I'll need Your healing water to find my home
Another "old" song I've been listening to a lot lately that is rather spiritually emotional...
Okay, so since I listened to that last tear jerker and am now crying, I better go wash my face and finish preparing dinner...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Quick Mention...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
4:13 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Art, Challenges, Disappointment, Dreams, Everyday Life, God, Music
If the month is shorter, why aren't my bills cheaper?
So here I am, writing a quick blog as Tommy sits next to me on his horsey. He loves this toy! He's also been carrying on "conversations" with me as he sits here. I was working on my "to do" list for the next week and when I would ask him if I was forgetting anything he would exclaim "YEAH!" I'd then ask, "Okay, what is it?" He would then go on with what appeared to be a tangent or an excitable need using hand gestures and all. Bobby and I were laughing so hard, trying to guess by his hand gestures what he could be saying. Break dancing? Learn Karate? Do the robot? He needs Ritalin already? There is no telling, but this kid is so much fun. He brings back so many memories of Jeff and Becca at this age, but yet all three are so different.
Also, just as my children are all different, so are my pregnancies. So many people, my Dr included, refer to me as an "expert" or such in this area. Yes, I do have quite a bit of experience from all of my pregnancies, miscarriages, childbirths, and newborn care. But expert? Just last night I was thinking "I have no idea what to do!" No, it wasn't an emergency. I just seem to be carrying very differently than I have with any of my other pregnancies. None of my pants fit right! I had to go out and buy a new pair that have a different belly panel than any other pair I've had so that I didn't feel confined. I'm much more tired than I remember being with any of the others, and the pregnancy dreams are different also. Every child is a gift from God, I just can't help but wonder what God has in store for this child and our family. So exciting!
I can never blog enough about how blessed I am to have the man I married. He's been in so much agony this week with health & dental issues but still makes an effort to pitch in and be a supporting husband & father. In today's world, this is such a blessing. So many men only care about themselves. I hope I never take him for granted, though I doubt I will because each day he does something that reminds me how lucky I am... and I doubt he even realizes it.
I can't believe in 2 weeks both of my little boys will be a year older. Their birthdays are just 2 days apart. Tommy will be 1, but Jeff, my first baby, will be 8. I still remember 8 years ago right now, being 1 day from my due date and crying, begging, pleading with him to JUST BE BORN! At the time I just couldn't wait to hold him and kiss him and love him forever. Now I'd do anything to hug him everyday. He knows Mommy loves him though.
Tommy's birthday party planning is just about done. I've purchased all the decorations and favors. The day before the party we'll buy the food, etc. Sometime today or tomorrow Bobby and I plan to go down and order the cake. It's gonna be such a fun day!
One little tidbit I need to throw in... I have found that all I need to make me smile, whether I'm happy, sad, or somewhere in between (which could be all of those in 5 minutes thanks to stupid pregnancy hormones, lol), is Tommy touching his belly button and saying "beddybuddon!" He doesn't seem to realize it is two words, and he's so serious when he says it that I can't help but giggle. Now I'm working on teaching him to say "one" and hold up his index finger when someone asks how old he is. He could care. LOL.
Well, time for me to log off of here! Have lots to do and need to start preparing things for dinner. I promised Bobby oven fried potatoes and eggs. (The recipe can be found here.) They are rather scrumptious and have quickly become a favorite in our home!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I'm sorry, but I do have self respect.
Bobby sent this to me today. Say a prayer for him, so that when I smack him on the back of the head as he returns home I will not do too much damage.
Needless to say, I will NOT be trying out "The Prego Shuffle". Thank you very much!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
5:33 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Everyday Life, Freak, Funny, Geekdom, Girly Stuff, Icky, Pregnancy, Stupidity
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
4:54 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Art, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Funny, Geekdom, Snuggie, Stupidity
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wow, it's February already!
So, here I am... no excuse as to why I haven't blogged except that I just don't have much energy for anything. Being the pregnancy veteran that I am, I know this won't last much longer, but it's just getting so old. As a matter of fact, I'm forcing myself to sit here and type now just as I forced myself to do some things around the house this morning even though my body was telling me to take a nap. (Don't worry, I'll listen to my body and take a nap in a few minutes... I know it's for a reason.)
Part of me wants to say not much has been going on around here, but then when I really think about it A LOT has been going on...
Tommy is getting REALLY good at communicating. He seems to amazingly understand just about everything we say now. I love asking him a question and watching him react by either doing what I asked him to do or answering me with real or made up words.
Last week I had my first OB appointment and had a quick ultrasound. It was confirmed that there was only ONE baby (Thank you Jesus!) and that he or she is growing just as they should be. At the end of March I will be having the "big" ultrasound. Full exam of the baby and the exciting revealing of the gender. Part of me wants another boy, another part a girl. This is the first time I have not wanted one gender more than the other. I got exactly what I wanted with the other three, so we shall see. Bobby, naturally, wants another boy. If this baby is a boy, his name has already been picked out... you're just dying to know what it is, aren't you? LOL
This last weekend we finally got a new mattress for our bed. It got so bad that we were at the point of barely sleeping in it. Now we are able to REST at night without MASSIVE BACK PAIN. It's been wonderful.
The planning of Tommy's 1st Birthday Party is underway. It looks like it'll mostly be adults so far, but that's ok. We're going with a Sesame Street theme and keeping the guest list to family. It makes me sad that Jeff won't be here, since their birthdays are only 2 days apart and it would be so fun to have a combined birthday, but I'm sure one day they'll be able to celebrate together at some point.
My morning to night sickness is still with us, but is lightening up slowly but surely. From my past experiences, I know it'll disappear a little more when I get my energy back. I'm really looking forward to this occurance in the next few weeks, but I have a feeling Bobby is even more excited about it.
So now I'm going to go rest and take my nap. I may or may not blog later about a recent trend that is a big pet peeve of mine...
I know this blog is just oh so interesting... get over it.
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:34 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Birthday, Everyday Life, Family, Pregnancy