Are you a member or friend of the Carnahan family?
Well, I'm in the process of creating our family & friends website. So far I have a photo gallery, (2 years in the making! Almost all of my Grandma's photos and some of my own along with others compiled along the way from other relatives.) a blog, (for us to all contribute our own memories and stories) & a message board (catch up with each other, recipe swap, etc.). Eventually I would like to add video and MP3 (not just of family events, but also Grandpa's preaching and Grandma's piano. Don't get too excited though, this last part may take some time.)
I still have quite a bit more work to do on this before it can be unveiled. I also have quite a few people to track down for updated photos, but may wait to do this after I am finished. There are also still some photos in my Grandma's storage so even when it is "done", it won't be complete. Considering I have a family and home, I am not always able to dedicate the time needed to this project, but I promise I am doing the best I can.
So, all that being said... Are you a Carnahan, Colson, Morris, or Troxel? Maybe a descendant, attended one of Bro. Carnahan's churches, or just a family friend? Do you have any suggestions? Know someone who might be interested in viewing and being a part of this project? Let me know, and I'll add your email to a list to keep you updated and let you know how to be a part!