Replace "tell" with "shout" and you'd have it about right. ;)
Now... what would they say if they knew my tree won't be up until next week. :GASP!: No tree until after the 10th of December? Say it isn't so!
I'm sure the celebration they are having is much better than the one we're having here though.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thinking of Grandma & Grandpa...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:58 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Carnahan Family, Christmas, Everyday Life, Family, God, Holidays, Loss, Music
Sunday, November 8, 2009
So There Was This ONE Time I Was Weird...
So, I'm sitting here eating some good ol' cheez-its and thinking of how wonderful of a salty snack they really are. I mean really. Think about it. What is better than cheez-its? Not a whole lot!
Cheez-its have probably been my favorite snack cracker my entire life. I loved them as a kid, as I did just about anything cheese related.
One night, my brother Jared and I were enjoying a box of tasty treats when the horrid realization that we were down to crumbs had come to our attention. Knowing it wasn't likely to happen, we asked the adults in our home to take us to the store to get some more. My Mom was tired from working all day, and our Grandparent's looked at us like we were pretty much insane. I asked if I could make a grilled cheese sandwich then. They granted permission and off to the kitchen I went...
Well, somewhere in the hall way the brilliant idea occurred to me that I could MAKE cheez-its. I mean, how hard could it be, right?
I got out the velveeta, cut it into tiny squares, and placed them on the griddle. Then I loaded on the salt. I was CERTAIN this was going to be fantastic. I had visions of my recipe being listed in the church potluck cook book. I mean, this was going to be the perfect snack, even better than the name brand, right?
Well, Jared was a little skeptical. He felt the need to feed a few pieces to our gold fish Jaws. (Jaws never ate fish food. He ate our left overs. I'm not lying. That fish lived over a year merely on our left overs! He was a carnival prize and lived on green beans, cheese, bread, etc.)
Jaws ate them up. We tried a few, were enjoying our delicacies, and in heaven. I'll never forget what happened next. Jared went to drop another piece in Jaws cereal canister (Like I said, carnival prize. He was one of 100's. My Grandma refused to invest money in a fish that could pass any day...) and it splashed. SPLASHED! Fish water ALL OVER the griddle and plate. I cried.
Naturally the grown ups thought I burned myself cooking, came running, and were horrified. I wasn't allowed to cook again for awhile. Apparently fried cheese is a greasy mess, and is FAR from a healthy cracker snack.
Just felt the need to share that story. Poor Jaws. Probably died of a heart attack due to clogged arteries after all the junk we fed him.
RIP Jaws, RIP.
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
3:29 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bubby, Carnahan Family, CHEESE, Cooking, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Food, Freak, Funny, Geekdom, Icky, Kids, pet peeves, Potluck, random, Stupidity
Friday, November 6, 2009
I endured many sad and/or stressful moments along with many great ones. I welcomed my 2 oldest children home and then held back the tears as I sent them on their way once again. I met my newborn son, John Benjamin, just 2 1/2 weeks after my cousin Benjamin Paul went home to be with Jesus much too soon. I felt guilt for the fact that I was gaining a son as my Uncle lost his. I fought for weeks with prodromal labor before finally being induced and being lucky enough to win a dural puncture. We moved into a new home while I was recovering from childbirth & breastfeeding. At 35 weeks pregnant I somehow didn't have a nervous breakdown when a wild fire blazed behind our home & my 3 children cried in fear. (Didn't say I wasn't crying too...)
I could go on and on, but my point is that thanks to God I survived. Was it the hardest time of my life? Not even close. But that's what makes it that much more beautiful. God is there when things are good, bad, and also mixed up somewhere in between. He's just that awesome, and I'm so grateful for that.
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
2:06 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Carnahan Family, Challenges, Disappointment, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Girly Stuff, God, Kids, Loss, Parenting, Pregnancy
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
It's been awhile...
A watched pot never boils....
Nor does a timed uterus contract.
Yes, Crystal, I really did come up with that on my own.
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
11:24 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: annoyances, Art, Challenges, Crystal, Disappointment, Dreams, Everyday Life, Friends, Geekdom, Girly Stuff, hormonal, Kids, Parenting, Pregnancy, random, Rant, Stupidity
Monday, June 15, 2009
This is a video that Rhonda B. (A great lady that I've known forever...) from KY posted on Facebook yesterday morning. I found it to be really cool and just thought that I'd share it here.
Just more proof of how awesome God is...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
11:18 AM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Everyday Life, God
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Alright, I Cave...
Quite a few people have asked me for the recipe for Broccoli and Cheese casserole over the years. There's nothing "special" about it. I guess I just worry that if I give it out I won't have anything to make for potlucks and such. Selfish am I, I know... I was going to make it a special treat on The Carnahan Family website (which I plan to launch this week or next) but realized that some who have asked aren't even close friends or family of my Grandparent's and such, and they would be left out. So, here it is for all of you.
Grandma's Broccoli & Cheese Casserole
(She got the recipe from her sister Darlene...)
- 1 pkg frozen broccoli; chopped, cooked, & drained.
- 1 cup minute rice (uncooked)
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 can cream of chicken or cream of mushroom (I use chicken. I believe Grandma did also.)
- 1/2 cup cheez whiz or velveeta (I use velveeta, so did Grandma.)
- Onions to taste (If Bobby is around, this usually means A LOT of onion. Do what you like.)
Mix all ingredients together. Place in casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
I usually double this recipe, which requires closer to 40-45 minutes.
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
4:01 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Baking, Carnahan Family, CHEESE, Chicken, church, Cooking, Everyday Life, Family, Food, Friends, Potluck, Thanksgiving
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Home Stretch...
Finally! We're almost there!
I've had a couple of personal countdowns going on lately. 3 major ones especially. All of them are closing in, and I cannot tell you how happy and relieved I am that the D-days are getting closer!
1: Jeff and Becca arrive in just a little more than a week. It's going to feel so amazing to have all of my babies under one roof and know when I lay my head down at night that they are all just down the hall. (Well, except for the one that is with me constantly, but we'll get to that in a minute.) Even though it's only temporary, I will enjoy it thoroughly!
2: By the day Jeff and Becca arrive I hope to launch The Carnahan Family website. As I've stated before, this has been 2 years in the making. It will definitely always be a "work in progress" as there are always more pictures to be found/scanned/snapped etc. But the majority will be complete. On the agenda now is to finish sorting/tagging/labeling the photos, complete the message board, and set up a home page. (ATTENTION: This site is going to be stalker proof. Not stalker retardant or resistant. Proof. I hate to disappoint, but no. You will not be able to find out added information about Bobby or I on that website unless you are an approved user. Sorry, gotta draw the line on stalker access at some point. No fun, I know. Especially since our other family site is "down" and this is pretty much the only "public" site left.)
3: Last, but certainly not least, the arrival of Johnny D. As of yesterday, I am not only 29 weeks pregnant but he has dropped. Yes, this has added some more discomfort. (I've been on a hiatus from life as it seems since last Monday when I ended up in L&D for a pulled round ligament muscle and sciatic nerve pain.) However, I'm getting to where I realize it's not too much longer that I'll have this baby under my heart. I'm enjoying every kick and squirm. Even at night, though I wish he'd let me sleep a little more since I know he's going to be keeping me up at all hours once he arrives. I can't wait to hold my new baby, see what he looks like, introduce him to his brothers and sister... and not have to hear one more single person whine and complain about his name, the spelling, what nickname he will go by, or what they think the name should be or sounds like! It will be on a legal document and done! And if you complain then, well, you're just being cruel to a sweet little innocent baby who never did anything to you. (Whew, sorry... don't know where that came from... silly hormones...)
With all 3 of these exciting events, I feel so blessed to be a part. God has truly blessed me. I have an amazing husband with whom I have amazing children, and came from an amazing family. (It's all just AMAZING!)
Sometimes in everyday life, it's easy to forget just where you came from, and why you are where you are. Thankfully, I can say I'm in a good place. I know this is so mostly because of the prayers of my grandparents, parents, other family members, and good friends along the way. I was raised in a Godly home and instilled with values that will never leave me. Though some of us have drifted due to time and distance, by starting this website I've begun keeping up with other relatives that I might not have otherwise and feel blessed to have those connections. Who knows what else will come of it? Maybe nothing, but you never know.
So here I go, down the last stretch of road. I am so looking forward to just sitting back and enjoying what I've worked for and what God has given me. It's going to be good. I just pray that God keeps his hand on my little (though I guess a family of 5 isn't so little, is it...) family (my big extended one too!) as all these countdowns come to an end. It will be so nice to have something tangible from each once they are all 3 complete. :)
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
3:11 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: annoyances, Bobby, Carnahan Family, Challenges, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Friends, Fun, Geekdom, God, hormonal, Kids, Mushy, Parenting, pet peeves, Pregnancy, Rant, Stalkers
Friday, June 5, 2009
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
1:43 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Birthday, Everyday Life, Family, Friends, Geekdom, Holidays, Kids
I Can Relate... Kinda...
The last few weeks we have had a little friend hanging out in our back yard. I don't know for sure what kind of bird it is, but it keeps me up. Eventually, every night, I end up humming this...
Which, in turn, is making me relate completely to this...
I hope and pray this bird finds some reason to move to another location soon. Falling asleep before 3am would be nice. Why it doesn't affect Bobby or Tommy is beyond me!
P.S. Crystal, I need my Failure To Launch dvd back... lol
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
1:34 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: annoyances, Challenges, Disappointment, Dreams, Everyday Life, Freak, Geekdom, hormonal, Jerks, pet peeves, random, Rant, Stalkers, Stupidity
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bobby: I gotta tell you: my first plate of lasagna was delicious. My second, not so much. Burnt.
Angie: That's because I like mine burnt. You ate from my half.
Bobby: I know you do. You like your lasagna like you like your men.
Angie: What? Burnt? That doesn't make sense!
Bobby: I know. Whatever.
Good times!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
10:03 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, CHEESE, Everyday Life, Funny, Geekdom, Global Warming, Marriage, random
Monday, May 18, 2009
Help Me Out Here!
Well, I'm in the process of creating our family & friends website. So far I have a photo gallery, (2 years in the making! Almost all of my Grandma's photos and some of my own along with others compiled along the way from other relatives.) a blog, (for us to all contribute our own memories and stories) & a message board (catch up with each other, recipe swap, etc.). Eventually I would like to add video and MP3 (not just of family events, but also Grandpa's preaching and Grandma's piano. Don't get too excited though, this last part may take some time.)
I still have quite a bit more work to do on this before it can be unveiled. I also have quite a few people to track down for updated photos, but may wait to do this after I am finished. There are also still some photos in my Grandma's storage so even when it is "done", it won't be complete. Considering I have a family and home, I am not always able to dedicate the time needed to this project, but I promise I am doing the best I can.
So, all that being said... Are you a Carnahan, Colson, Morris, or Troxel? Maybe a descendant, attended one of Bro. Carnahan's churches, or just a family friend? Do you have any suggestions? Know someone who might be interested in viewing and being a part of this project? Let me know, and I'll add your email to a list to keep you updated and let you know how to be a part!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:01 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Art, Carnahan Family, church, Dreams, Family, Friends, Kids
Saturday, May 9, 2009
And The Weekend Begins...
No idea why this song is stuck in my head, but it is... I know I posted it in my "roller coaster" a few weeks ago, but here it is again. Mostly just because Bobby loves it so dang much. ;)
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:01 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Everyday Life, Music
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Uhh... Is This Safe To Eat Still?
Is that a question you often hear in your home?
I'm extremely cautious of not eating foods after they expire. I took a nutrition class about 5 years ago, maybe a little longer, and as a result have become aware of the dangers of food poisoning. I do NOT take chances.
My Mom, who is the same way, knows how much this concerns me and sent me this link:
I highly suggest you all checking it out! I haven't looked at it into too much depth, but I certainly plan to!
Thanks, Mom! :)
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
11:20 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: annoyances, Baking, Challenges, CHEESE, Chicken, Cooking, Everyday Life, Food, Geekdom, Icky, pet peeves
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Why Our UPS Man Hates Us...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
9:16 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: annoyances, Challenges, Everyday Life, Icky, pet peeves, Rant
Friday, April 24, 2009
Feel Like Laughing? Crying? Throwing Something? Cleaning Your Entire House Top To Bottom?
I hereby declare this pregnancy hormone awareness day!!! (Go through the videos in order for full effect...)
First, the song Bobby sang to me the night we got married. I know, awww... It just happened to be playing in the limo, and being nervous he sang along. This song always just makes me smile.
Now, to make you sad: You have to watch them in the exact order... Better yet, look them up for better quality versions...
Stop what you're doing! Put down the knife! Do NOT slit your wrists! "But why?!" You ask? "WHY did we have to go from happy to sad in 1.2 seconds flat?" I'll tell you why... Because that's what it's like! Not fun, is it?
Now, cheer up and watch this:
Fun! YAY! Happy! Weird, creepy, silly, but HAPPY!
Everyone getting on your nerves?
Angry and ticked, huh? But at least you feel vindicated... Don't be mad at me! I could have used a lot of worse songs just to make you feel anger! Trust me!
OK, Ignore the weird graphics...
Naturally, you worry just what that baby will look like...
Then you remember, everything will be fine...
Besides, if you're having one of Bobby's kids at least, it's inevitable...
That was just strange, and you can't explain it. You don't feel bad, but not quite like yourself either...
But who cares, you're STARVING!!!!
Now you're feeling sleepy...
What just happened? Why is it every time you fall asleep you wake up more confused? Stupid pregnancy dreams...
WAKE UP! You're nesting! Time to CLEAN!
Your husband thinks you are most certainly and definitely CRAZY!
Would not be complete without this...
Who doesn't feel happy and complete after hearing "Hysteria"? Oh yeah, that's just me... anyways...
And now, for at least a few moments...
But, here you are, and it is well...
And now, you have officially experienced a full mood swing. Congratulations! Were you truly pregnant, you would feel this way CONSTANTLY... never ending... it's such a beautiful process, isn't it? That's why to your husband you dedicate this:
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I'm A Blubbering Idiot: At The Very Most, To Say The Very Least...
Adventures in incubating...
Yesterday Tommy & I ran to the store, and on the way home I decided to listen to the radio. Well, first song to make me cry, naturally, was Darius Rucker's "It Won't Be Like This For Long". I have 3 children, and often long for those days I just couldn't wait to pass... like the first night home with each of them. There I was, bawling on the freeway, while Tommy "sang" along in his car seat behind me.
Well, here's where it gets even stupider... more stupid... whatever! (You don't even know how to SPELL! (What I apparently yelled at my sweet husband in my sleep last night...))
When Bobby and I had been married about 6 months or so, his first father's day as Jeff & Becca's step dad, he made a list of songs he wanted me to hear that either he just liked in general or reminded him of me while I made him a father's day dinner. One was a Brad Paisley song. Since then when I have heard it, I kind of think "awww". Well, yesterday a DIFFERENT Brad Paisley song played on the radio... and there I was, deliriously confused and sobbing at how lucky I am to have him and how far we've come in the last 2 years and 4 months... It wasn't until HOURS later that I realized IT WASN'T EVEN THE RIGHT SONG! Boy, did I feel stupid. I cried for NOTHING! He laughed at this when I told him, I was mad. Gotta love hormones....
So, tell me, which Brad Paisley song do you think was the right one, and which one the wrong?
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
6:01 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: annoyances, Art, Bobby, Disappointment, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Fun, Funny, Geekdom, Girly Stuff, hormonal, Kids, Marriage, Mushy, Music, Parenting, Pregnancy, Romance, Stupidity
You're So Vain, You Probably Think This Blog Is About YOU!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
5:16 PM
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Related in someway to: annoyances, Challenges, Everyday Life, Freak, Girly Stuff, hormonal, Icky, Jerks, Kids, Parenting, pet peeves, Pregnancy, Rant, Stupidity
I Am Blessed...
A great many things have occurred not only in my life, but in the lives of those I know and love... and even some I've never met... to cause me to once again realize just how blessed I truly am lately. While I always "know" in my heart that I'm blessed, I don't take for granted the reminders that sometimes have to be put in front of me.
- God has given me a caring husband, who would never hurt me and (almost) always thinks of my feelings. (He is human, after all...)
- My children are healthy. While my oldest 2 may not live under my roof most of the year, they are most certainly healthy and safe.
- I am healthy. Sure, a little overweight with annoying acne and gallstones. But nothing life threatening.
- I have a family that loves me.
- I have friends that seem to be there when I need them.
- My church is amazing and a great place to attend worship. Always involved with reaching out not only to those who attend, but to the surrounding community also.
- I have a roof over my head. We may have a pincher bug invasion under way, but it's a cute old house that I still love and will continue to love until we maybe hopefully someday buy a cute new house, lol. We have heat when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and electricity with running hot/cold water.
- I'm never hungry for any longer than necessary. There is food in my pantry.
I really could continue this list on and on and on and on... But I think I made the point that was needed. Never take anything for granted. Just because it is here today, it may not be tomorrow. Love your loved ones, appreciate the small things, and never forget that tomorrow everything can change.
Further on that note, I would like to send out my condolences to Linda Truesdale and family on the passing of her husband Larry yesterday. I have known them both most of my life. While we all know that Larry is in the presence of Jesus, he will be missed.
Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jared! Wow, you're like, 26... who knew you'd make it this far without severing a limb or something? Be thankful! LOL
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
2:07 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Birthday, Bobby, Bubby, Challenges, church, Disappointment, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Friends, Geekdom, God, Kids, Loss, Marriage, Mushy, Parenting, Pregnancy
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ironing Out The Irony ~ Part Deux
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
5:39 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Challenges, Disappointment, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Geekdom, God, Icky, Kids, Marriage, Mushy, Parenting
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ironing Out The Irony...
So, this is my younger brother Jared. (Yes, I stole this pic off myspace, get off my back. It's his most recent upload so I found it fitting...)
Jared and I grew up together, of course, being full blooded siblings and all. In other words: We lived in the same house and experienced the same things. Being different genders we both walked away with different takes on life from our upraising, even though we are only 19 months apart. This is noticeable in the most obvious ways, and not so obvious ways as I found out last week...
Jared has recently begun relocating to Northern California with his girlfriend Ashly. (I don't know her very well, but she seems like a nice girl and she makes Jared ridiculously happy. Maybe someday they will give me a dark haired niece or nephew that I can spoil insanely and send home at the end of the day... no pressure! ) Being that Jared is ridiculously happy, he wanted to surprise his girlfriend with a nice dinner though he had few items in the house and no time to run to the store. Who does he call for advice? Me. I received this as an extreme compliment, as he flat out told me he was calling me because I'm a good cook. (I know, I was surprised too...)
So, I asked what he had on hand. Frozen chicken. Then he asked if I ever used frozen chicken and had any ideas what to do with it. Really? Seriously?! I choked on laughter, and if you've been reading this blog for very long you know why. I tried not to get to excited and exclaim the magic and glory of all that is available to you at a low cost and convenience with frozen chicken on hand... I'm not going to say that was easy, but I did it.
Seriously, how is this not the most ironic thing of my week? My little brother, who grew up in the same home I did where Grandma baked frozen chicken AT LEAST once a week, if not twice has never heard of what to do with frozen chicken or even if it's any good? REALLY? And then calls ME, of all people, to ask what to do with it? Made my day... OK, yeah, my week. Love it. Had to share, whether you people care at all or not.
Just goes to show, you can come from the exact same place. Same upbringing. Same blood. Same parents. Etc, etc, etc... and have a completely different outlook than the person next to you. How many times in life do we need to remember that we are all different from one person to the next and that we may not all have the same take? Really makes you think... Or at least it made me think... obviously.... Be concious of other people!!!
My point: Don't you love how God will grab your attention with the most everyday thing like your little brother asking you for a recipe? Amazes me!
P.S. He told me later that the dinner came out excellent and his girlfriend loved it. The art of knowing how to handle frozen chicken must run in our blood...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
2:40 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bubby, Chicken, Everyday Life, Family, Food, Geekdom, God, Mushy
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Oops, it's been a month!
Wow, those last few weeks flew by! So fast, I forgot to blog!
Probably because I had a few weeks of really great bursts of energy. I accomplished so much that I was wanting to get done, and even some things that I didn't plan on. Now, though, I'm back to the pregnant with lack of energy state. So here I sit, just for today at least, with plans to do nothing whatsoever but nap and veg out.
What all has happened in the last month? OH SO MUCH! Let's see... (No specific order... and of course, the news involving my children is the most exciting...)
- Took another trip to Disneyland. (I had wanted to go more, but was unable to since I was finishing up all those above mentioned projects...)
- Had Tommy's first birthday party.
- Ikea had tax free days. (WOOHOO!)
- Bobby had serious dental work done, and will again tomorrow.
- Found out the gender of our new baby, which entailed discussing names, shopping, and setting up gift registries. (It's another boy, by the way. No, we're still not done. 2 more!)
- Jeff turned 8! YIKES!
- Discovered I have gallstones, and just how painful they can be.
- Much much more, but my tired brain just doesn't want to think...
Eventful this month has been. (Thank you, Yoda, for using me in such a way.) And even more eventful will this month and the month after... and after that... etc... will be! After this weekend I believe we have 2 "free" weekends before every weekend is booked until it is almost time for Jeff and Becca to get here for the summer! Yikes! And after they leave? It'll be my due date!
Just thinking about all this has made me so tired that I forgot what I was going to blog about before I started typing and got distracted... maybe I'll be back to blog more later...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:13 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Birthday, Bobby, Disneyland, Everyday Life, Family, Fun, Kids, Pregnancy, Stupidity
Monday, March 9, 2009
Here I Go Again... & Again & Again & Again!!!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
5:23 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Birthday, Disney, Disneyland, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Friends, Fun, Geekdom, Kids, Parenting
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Well, now, isn't that better?
So, what do you all think of the new look?
Since according to my tracker I have a, well, what do I call them... "person" is a nice way to put it I guess... that likes to read and re-read my blog way too often I was worried that their eyes might tire out from looking at that bright white background when they spend so much time going through all my posts on Bobby and snooping on what we're up to. Since it's not as fun as sending late night drunken messages on myspace, I'm afraid that she would get bored. Wouldn't want that to happen, now, would we? Then again, I guess they could just mind their own business and finally move on YEARS later. Nah...
Also, I think this is prettier. More "Angie like". Especially for when I get into a "state of Angie". Much more fitting!
Feel free to let me know of any suggestions you all might have... and not just on my layout either... ;)
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
3:09 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Challenges, Everyday Life, Fun, Geekdom, Jerks, Stalkers, Stupidity
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Quick Mention...
REALLY liking this song... Bobby even mentioned the words "Not Bad" when I asked what he thought of it... ENJOY! Not just great lyrics, but I also enjoy every other aspect of the song!
I definitely plan on buying the album when it releases in May!
I've had some Jars Of Clay popping up on my iPod lately, and I forgot just how much I love them. One of my favorites: (Video quality isn't the best...)
God, I admit I haven't changed
Playing card houses still covering my landscape
I never expected You to stay
When I'm grabbing for these crumbs and cold loose change
I feel Your grace come running over every road
I love the way You're calling overflow
I feel Your grace come running over every road
You break the floodgates down and carry all
God, I admit that I've loved these chains
And crawling around this cage sometimes has its advantages
I know someday this could get old
And I'll need Your healing water to find my home
Another "old" song I've been listening to a lot lately that is rather spiritually emotional...
Okay, so since I listened to that last tear jerker and am now crying, I better go wash my face and finish preparing dinner...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
4:13 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Art, Challenges, Disappointment, Dreams, Everyday Life, God, Music
If the month is shorter, why aren't my bills cheaper?
So here I am, writing a quick blog as Tommy sits next to me on his horsey. He loves this toy! He's also been carrying on "conversations" with me as he sits here. I was working on my "to do" list for the next week and when I would ask him if I was forgetting anything he would exclaim "YEAH!" I'd then ask, "Okay, what is it?" He would then go on with what appeared to be a tangent or an excitable need using hand gestures and all. Bobby and I were laughing so hard, trying to guess by his hand gestures what he could be saying. Break dancing? Learn Karate? Do the robot? He needs Ritalin already? There is no telling, but this kid is so much fun. He brings back so many memories of Jeff and Becca at this age, but yet all three are so different.
Also, just as my children are all different, so are my pregnancies. So many people, my Dr included, refer to me as an "expert" or such in this area. Yes, I do have quite a bit of experience from all of my pregnancies, miscarriages, childbirths, and newborn care. But expert? Just last night I was thinking "I have no idea what to do!" No, it wasn't an emergency. I just seem to be carrying very differently than I have with any of my other pregnancies. None of my pants fit right! I had to go out and buy a new pair that have a different belly panel than any other pair I've had so that I didn't feel confined. I'm much more tired than I remember being with any of the others, and the pregnancy dreams are different also. Every child is a gift from God, I just can't help but wonder what God has in store for this child and our family. So exciting!
I can never blog enough about how blessed I am to have the man I married. He's been in so much agony this week with health & dental issues but still makes an effort to pitch in and be a supporting husband & father. In today's world, this is such a blessing. So many men only care about themselves. I hope I never take him for granted, though I doubt I will because each day he does something that reminds me how lucky I am... and I doubt he even realizes it.
I can't believe in 2 weeks both of my little boys will be a year older. Their birthdays are just 2 days apart. Tommy will be 1, but Jeff, my first baby, will be 8. I still remember 8 years ago right now, being 1 day from my due date and crying, begging, pleading with him to JUST BE BORN! At the time I just couldn't wait to hold him and kiss him and love him forever. Now I'd do anything to hug him everyday. He knows Mommy loves him though.
Tommy's birthday party planning is just about done. I've purchased all the decorations and favors. The day before the party we'll buy the food, etc. Sometime today or tomorrow Bobby and I plan to go down and order the cake. It's gonna be such a fun day!
One little tidbit I need to throw in... I have found that all I need to make me smile, whether I'm happy, sad, or somewhere in between (which could be all of those in 5 minutes thanks to stupid pregnancy hormones, lol), is Tommy touching his belly button and saying "beddybuddon!" He doesn't seem to realize it is two words, and he's so serious when he says it that I can't help but giggle. Now I'm working on teaching him to say "one" and hold up his index finger when someone asks how old he is. He could care. LOL.
Well, time for me to log off of here! Have lots to do and need to start preparing things for dinner. I promised Bobby oven fried potatoes and eggs. (The recipe can be found here.) They are rather scrumptious and have quickly become a favorite in our home!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I'm sorry, but I do have self respect.
Bobby sent this to me today. Say a prayer for him, so that when I smack him on the back of the head as he returns home I will not do too much damage.
Needless to say, I will NOT be trying out "The Prego Shuffle". Thank you very much!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
5:33 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Everyday Life, Freak, Funny, Geekdom, Girly Stuff, Icky, Pregnancy, Stupidity
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
4:54 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Art, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Funny, Geekdom, Snuggie, Stupidity
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wow, it's February already!
So, here I am... no excuse as to why I haven't blogged except that I just don't have much energy for anything. Being the pregnancy veteran that I am, I know this won't last much longer, but it's just getting so old. As a matter of fact, I'm forcing myself to sit here and type now just as I forced myself to do some things around the house this morning even though my body was telling me to take a nap. (Don't worry, I'll listen to my body and take a nap in a few minutes... I know it's for a reason.)
Part of me wants to say not much has been going on around here, but then when I really think about it A LOT has been going on...
Tommy is getting REALLY good at communicating. He seems to amazingly understand just about everything we say now. I love asking him a question and watching him react by either doing what I asked him to do or answering me with real or made up words.
Last week I had my first OB appointment and had a quick ultrasound. It was confirmed that there was only ONE baby (Thank you Jesus!) and that he or she is growing just as they should be. At the end of March I will be having the "big" ultrasound. Full exam of the baby and the exciting revealing of the gender. Part of me wants another boy, another part a girl. This is the first time I have not wanted one gender more than the other. I got exactly what I wanted with the other three, so we shall see. Bobby, naturally, wants another boy. If this baby is a boy, his name has already been picked out... you're just dying to know what it is, aren't you? LOL
This last weekend we finally got a new mattress for our bed. It got so bad that we were at the point of barely sleeping in it. Now we are able to REST at night without MASSIVE BACK PAIN. It's been wonderful.
The planning of Tommy's 1st Birthday Party is underway. It looks like it'll mostly be adults so far, but that's ok. We're going with a Sesame Street theme and keeping the guest list to family. It makes me sad that Jeff won't be here, since their birthdays are only 2 days apart and it would be so fun to have a combined birthday, but I'm sure one day they'll be able to celebrate together at some point.
My morning to night sickness is still with us, but is lightening up slowly but surely. From my past experiences, I know it'll disappear a little more when I get my energy back. I'm really looking forward to this occurance in the next few weeks, but I have a feeling Bobby is even more excited about it.
So now I'm going to go rest and take my nap. I may or may not blog later about a recent trend that is a big pet peeve of mine...
I know this blog is just oh so interesting... get over it.
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:34 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Birthday, Everyday Life, Family, Pregnancy
Friday, January 16, 2009
Happy Birthday, Becca!!!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Mommy loves you so much!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
9:58 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Birthday, Challenges, Dreams, Family, Kids
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Almost The Weekend!
It's finally Thursday! This week has not gone how I thought it would. It hasn't been "bad", just wasn't what I expected.
First off, I was wrong. Tommy didn't need shots. But the poor little man did have an ear infection. I was shocked! The Dr told me there was no way to tell as he wasn't showing any symptoms, but I still felt like a jerk for not knowing. He's on antibiotics 3 times a day and recovering very well. In the beginning he had a bit of a runny nose (that I thought was from teething) that is nearly gone.
Did I mention he took 3 steps on his own last Saturday? He's growing up so fast! He seems to say new words every day and tries to sound like he's saying a lot more. He's such a handsome and funny little guy!
My sinus infection is A LOT better! It feels so good to breath again! Thank God! And thank you so much to those of you that prayed for me, I appreciate it. Now, if this morning sickness would just let up... Out of all of my pregnancies, I'd say the worst morning sickness was with Jeffrey. However, this one is quickly catching up. Thomas was so easy on me that I thought maybe it just gets easier with each baby for me. NOPE! I was wrong... so here I am, finding out every day that I have more and more aversions for things. Something new every day makes me disgusted. The last 2 nights I've only been able to eat dinner if I started it off with a quesadilla. My energy levels are ridiculously low also. Bobby and I joke that it must be twins... but then I wonder "What if it really is?" and freak out a little. I've decided to ignore entertaining this joke/thought until my first ultrasound... especially since for the same reasons it was predicted Jeff was twins, and obviously he was not. All complaining and annoyances aside though, I feel so blessed to be having another baby. Poor Bobby though... he's so patient with me. I'm so lucky to have him, caring for me when I feel my worst without complaint though I can tell he'd rather be doing ANYTHING else.
It's going to be so nice to do "nothing" this weekend. Sure, I've gotta go to the grocery store at some point and maybe a little house work, but we have no absolute plans other than church on Sunday. Wait... I don't think we do! Maybe I should double check...
And there is Tommy's whimper letting me know that nap time is over for him, and computer time is over for me...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:04 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Challenges, Disappointment, Everyday Life, Family, Icky, Kids, Marriage, Mushy, Parenting, Pregnancy
Monday, January 5, 2009
I've survived...
So the last few days I've had a horrid sinus infection... and I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whew! The problem is that I still have morning sickness... more pronounced even. Oh well, that's ok. I guess.
Bobby was amazing about taking care of both Tommy and I this weekend. I feel bad that he didn't really get to relax over the weekend. Hopefully this weekend things will be back to "normal".
Today I have to take Tommy in for his check up and shots. Poor little guy! He's fighting taking a nap right now though he desperately needs it. He's certainly going to wish he took a nap later today when we are at the Dr's office.
I finally decided on an OB and hospital this weekend. I'm still kind of in "shock" over this pregnancy, but it's starting to kick in also. On Saturday I had to go into Urgent Care for my infection and the way the Dr was discussing my pregnancy kind of made it more real. Wow, we're really going to have another baby!
I've really been missing Jeff and Becca a lot more than usual lately. Hopefully next month we'll be able to head up there for a visit. Fingers crossed!
I can't believe I've developed an aversion for garlic. What kind of world is this where I actually don't want anything to do with garlic?! It's a sick joke!
Well, time to start packing the diaper bag and getting me and Tommy ready. Hope all of you (Kathy) are doing well! LOL
P.S. "The Cloak" didn't work. ;)
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:47 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Challenges, Everyday Life, Family, Icky, Kids, Parenting, Pregnancy, Stalkers, Travel