So here I am, writing a quick blog as Tommy sits next to me on his horsey. He loves this toy! He's also been carrying on "conversations" with me as he sits here. I was working on my "to do" list for the next week and when I would ask him if I was forgetting anything he would exclaim "YEAH!" I'd then ask, "Okay, what is it?" He would then go on with what appeared to be a tangent or an excitable need using hand gestures and all. Bobby and I were laughing so hard, trying to guess by his hand gestures what he could be saying. Break dancing? Learn Karate? Do the robot? He needs Ritalin already? There is no telling, but this kid is so much fun. He brings back so many memories of Jeff and Becca at this age, but yet all three are so different.
Also, just as my children are all different, so are my pregnancies. So many people, my Dr included, refer to me as an "expert" or such in this area. Yes, I do have quite a bit of experience from all of my pregnancies, miscarriages, childbirths, and newborn care. But expert? Just last night I was thinking "I have no idea what to do!" No, it wasn't an emergency. I just seem to be carrying very differently than I have with any of my other pregnancies. None of my pants fit right! I had to go out and buy a new pair that have a different belly panel than any other pair I've had so that I didn't feel confined. I'm much more tired than I remember being with any of the others, and the pregnancy dreams are different also. Every child is a gift from God, I just can't help but wonder what God has in store for this child and our family. So exciting!
I can never blog enough about how blessed I am to have the man I married. He's been in so much agony this week with health & dental issues but still makes an effort to pitch in and be a supporting husband & father. In today's world, this is such a blessing. So many men only care about themselves. I hope I never take him for granted, though I doubt I will because each day he does something that reminds me how lucky I am... and I doubt he even realizes it.
I can't believe in 2 weeks both of my little boys will be a year older. Their birthdays are just 2 days apart. Tommy will be 1, but Jeff, my first baby, will be 8. I still remember 8 years ago right now, being 1 day from my due date and crying, begging, pleading with him to JUST BE BORN! At the time I just couldn't wait to hold him and kiss him and love him forever. Now I'd do anything to hug him everyday. He knows Mommy loves him though.
Tommy's birthday party planning is just about done. I've purchased all the decorations and favors. The day before the party we'll buy the food, etc. Sometime today or tomorrow Bobby and I plan to go down and order the cake. It's gonna be such a fun day!
One little tidbit I need to throw in... I have found that all I need to make me smile, whether I'm happy, sad, or somewhere in between (which could be all of those in 5 minutes thanks to stupid pregnancy hormones, lol), is Tommy touching his belly button and saying "beddybuddon!" He doesn't seem to realize it is two words, and he's so serious when he says it that I can't help but giggle. Now I'm working on teaching him to say "one" and hold up his index finger when someone asks how old he is. He could care. LOL.
Well, time for me to log off of here! Have lots to do and need to start preparing things for dinner. I promised Bobby oven fried potatoes and eggs. (The recipe can be found here.) They are rather scrumptious and have quickly become a favorite in our home!
The Command is Go
10 years ago
3 looks through other eyes:
Checkin' out the recipe...brb....
Ok...I'm back. Now...what do you do about the eggs? I thought it all went together in one pan.
FYI...on the same page, there's 2 more recipes I think you should check out: Boiled Crawfish and Homemade Kahlua. Maybe not together, but you could work on those during the hour it takes to make the Fried Potatoes. :::noddin' my head::: could!
One day, girlie, I'm going to hang out with you & Tommy. I want to teach him new words, too!! Like...splendiferous!! Or maybe quintessential. Those would be good words for him to learn. :::noddin' my head again::: Yup...they would!
When are we all getting together to hang out with the fam again?? You's going to be up to us to make those plans. And nobody better be taking a vacation, either!! Some people!! I can't believe they would plan a vacation during somebody's birthday party!! :::shakin' my head this time::: Yup...shouldn't have happened.
Bobby!! Bobby!! He's our man!! If he can't do it, no one can!! Yaaaay, Bobby!! :::jumpin' up doing a triple back and landing with my hands on my hips whilst doing the splits::: Yup...hurts...alot.
Golly. Just thinking about that makes me tired....and all the sudden very achy. :::noddin' my head::: Yup...better find my Ben Gay.
LOL, we do have to get together soon! Maybe is SOME people would quit going out of town!
I make the Eggs seperately. You could stir scrambled eggs and bacon in if you wanted and top it with cheese after baking! That's what I usually do with pan fried potatoes...
Let me know what day you want to come down and we'll be ready for you! :D
Need a heating pad? LOL
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