Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Am Blessed...

A great many things have occurred not only in my life, but in the lives of those I know and love... and even some I've never met... to cause me to once again realize just how blessed I truly am lately. While I always "know" in my heart that I'm blessed, I don't take for granted the reminders that sometimes have to be put in front of me.

  • God has given me a caring husband, who would never hurt me and (almost) always thinks of my feelings. (He is human, after all...)
  • My children are healthy. While my oldest 2 may not live under my roof most of the year, they are most certainly healthy and safe.
  • I am healthy. Sure, a little overweight with annoying acne and gallstones. But nothing life threatening.
  • I have a family that loves me.
  • I have friends that seem to be there when I need them.
  • My church is amazing and a great place to attend worship. Always involved with reaching out not only to those who attend, but to the surrounding community also.
  • I have a roof over my head. We may have a pincher bug invasion under way, but it's a cute old house that I still love and will continue to love until we maybe hopefully someday buy a cute new house, lol. We have heat when it's cold, air conditioning when it's hot, and electricity with running hot/cold water.
  • I'm never hungry for any longer than necessary. There is food in my pantry.

I really could continue this list on and on and on and on... But I think I made the point that was needed. Never take anything for granted. Just because it is here today, it may not be tomorrow. Love your loved ones, appreciate the small things, and never forget that tomorrow everything can change.

Further on that note, I would like to send out my condolences to Linda Truesdale and family on the passing of her husband Larry yesterday. I have known them both most of my life. While we all know that Larry is in the presence of Jesus, he will be missed.

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jared! Wow, you're like, 26... who knew you'd make it this far without severing a limb or something? Be thankful! LOL

1 looks through other eyes:

dazsdntell said...

Beautiful...just beautiful. I couldn't have said it better. God is so good to us...and Larry is with Jesus face to Face today!! What an awesome thing to know.

Happy birthday, Jared!! Wow....he was only like 14 when I met him....that's CRAZINESS.


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