This is a video that Rhonda B. (A great lady that I've known forever...) from KY posted on Facebook yesterday morning. I found it to be really cool and just thought that I'd share it here.
Just more proof of how awesome God is...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
11:18 AM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Everyday Life, God
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Alright, I Cave...
Quite a few people have asked me for the recipe for Broccoli and Cheese casserole over the years. There's nothing "special" about it. I guess I just worry that if I give it out I won't have anything to make for potlucks and such. Selfish am I, I know... I was going to make it a special treat on The Carnahan Family website (which I plan to launch this week or next) but realized that some who have asked aren't even close friends or family of my Grandparent's and such, and they would be left out. So, here it is for all of you.
Grandma's Broccoli & Cheese Casserole
(She got the recipe from her sister Darlene...)
- 1 pkg frozen broccoli; chopped, cooked, & drained.
- 1 cup minute rice (uncooked)
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 can cream of chicken or cream of mushroom (I use chicken. I believe Grandma did also.)
- 1/2 cup cheez whiz or velveeta (I use velveeta, so did Grandma.)
- Onions to taste (If Bobby is around, this usually means A LOT of onion. Do what you like.)
Mix all ingredients together. Place in casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
I usually double this recipe, which requires closer to 40-45 minutes.
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
4:01 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Baking, Carnahan Family, CHEESE, Chicken, church, Cooking, Everyday Life, Family, Food, Friends, Potluck, Thanksgiving
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Home Stretch...
Finally! We're almost there!
I've had a couple of personal countdowns going on lately. 3 major ones especially. All of them are closing in, and I cannot tell you how happy and relieved I am that the D-days are getting closer!
1: Jeff and Becca arrive in just a little more than a week. It's going to feel so amazing to have all of my babies under one roof and know when I lay my head down at night that they are all just down the hall. (Well, except for the one that is with me constantly, but we'll get to that in a minute.) Even though it's only temporary, I will enjoy it thoroughly!
2: By the day Jeff and Becca arrive I hope to launch The Carnahan Family website. As I've stated before, this has been 2 years in the making. It will definitely always be a "work in progress" as there are always more pictures to be found/scanned/snapped etc. But the majority will be complete. On the agenda now is to finish sorting/tagging/labeling the photos, complete the message board, and set up a home page. (ATTENTION: This site is going to be stalker proof. Not stalker retardant or resistant. Proof. I hate to disappoint, but no. You will not be able to find out added information about Bobby or I on that website unless you are an approved user. Sorry, gotta draw the line on stalker access at some point. No fun, I know. Especially since our other family site is "down" and this is pretty much the only "public" site left.)
3: Last, but certainly not least, the arrival of Johnny D. As of yesterday, I am not only 29 weeks pregnant but he has dropped. Yes, this has added some more discomfort. (I've been on a hiatus from life as it seems since last Monday when I ended up in L&D for a pulled round ligament muscle and sciatic nerve pain.) However, I'm getting to where I realize it's not too much longer that I'll have this baby under my heart. I'm enjoying every kick and squirm. Even at night, though I wish he'd let me sleep a little more since I know he's going to be keeping me up at all hours once he arrives. I can't wait to hold my new baby, see what he looks like, introduce him to his brothers and sister... and not have to hear one more single person whine and complain about his name, the spelling, what nickname he will go by, or what they think the name should be or sounds like! It will be on a legal document and done! And if you complain then, well, you're just being cruel to a sweet little innocent baby who never did anything to you. (Whew, sorry... don't know where that came from... silly hormones...)
With all 3 of these exciting events, I feel so blessed to be a part. God has truly blessed me. I have an amazing husband with whom I have amazing children, and came from an amazing family. (It's all just AMAZING!)
Sometimes in everyday life, it's easy to forget just where you came from, and why you are where you are. Thankfully, I can say I'm in a good place. I know this is so mostly because of the prayers of my grandparents, parents, other family members, and good friends along the way. I was raised in a Godly home and instilled with values that will never leave me. Though some of us have drifted due to time and distance, by starting this website I've begun keeping up with other relatives that I might not have otherwise and feel blessed to have those connections. Who knows what else will come of it? Maybe nothing, but you never know.
So here I go, down the last stretch of road. I am so looking forward to just sitting back and enjoying what I've worked for and what God has given me. It's going to be good. I just pray that God keeps his hand on my little (though I guess a family of 5 isn't so little, is it...) family (my big extended one too!) as all these countdowns come to an end. It will be so nice to have something tangible from each once they are all 3 complete. :)
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
3:11 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: annoyances, Bobby, Carnahan Family, Challenges, Dreams, Everyday Life, Family, Friends, Fun, Geekdom, God, hormonal, Kids, Mushy, Parenting, pet peeves, Pregnancy, Rant, Stalkers
Friday, June 5, 2009
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
1:43 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Birthday, Everyday Life, Family, Friends, Geekdom, Holidays, Kids
I Can Relate... Kinda...
The last few weeks we have had a little friend hanging out in our back yard. I don't know for sure what kind of bird it is, but it keeps me up. Eventually, every night, I end up humming this...
Which, in turn, is making me relate completely to this...
I hope and pray this bird finds some reason to move to another location soon. Falling asleep before 3am would be nice. Why it doesn't affect Bobby or Tommy is beyond me!
P.S. Crystal, I need my Failure To Launch dvd back... lol
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
1:34 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: annoyances, Challenges, Disappointment, Dreams, Everyday Life, Freak, Geekdom, hormonal, Jerks, pet peeves, random, Rant, Stalkers, Stupidity