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For those of you that are in So Cal reading this, you know that we are anticipating yet another storm. The clouds are rolling in, the air is chill, and visibility is less and less.
In the recent burn areas, more sand bags are being put out to prevent mud slides. In the valleys and near reservoirs, county and city workers are putting out the "flooded" and "warning" signs. For those with children who play outdoors, this is the time you would overlook the yard to make sure no toys were left out. Farmers and other agricultural workers are taking the appropriate precautions with the animals, crops, and land.
In life, we should always be prepared for emergencies. For example, no one could have predicted just how much snow would fall in the San Bernardino mountains this past week. Yesterday, there were residents and tourists stranded without food and gas. I'm not sure how much could have been really done to prevent this situation, but if they had known, don't you think the area would have been well stocked?
We take all this attention to our homes and families when prepping for a storm... But what about our souls? Are you ready for a storm? Have you been spending time with God in prayer and focusing on him instead of what can wait? I can say from recent experience, battling a storm with Him is so much simpler than without. You can face the winds without fear. You will no longer startle at the thunder or lightning. When the temperature drops, you'll be kept warm. Instead of the raindrops stinging your face, you will find shelter. And if the storm goes on too long, you'll be kept sustained and well taken care of. Facing a storm with Jesus doesn't mean the clouds won't be on the horizon, but that the effects will not affect you as severely.
Thank you, Lord, for all of the storms you've brought me through this far. Help me to be prepared for each one after by keeping you first in my life.
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