I hope all of you (meaning my now apparently 2 readers... oh, I should mention... I have a tracker and I know who reads my blogs by IP address, location, whether they were linked by a search engine or via email, etc... ;) That's right... I know who my new reader is. Maybe it's creepy that I track it, but not as creepy as a stalker. Oh well... Enjoy!) had a fantabulous Thanksgiving!
We had a nice day here with Tommy and my parents. It wasn't the same as if Jeff and Becca had been here and we talked about them a lot of the day and how much we missed them, but some things just couldn't be helped in that department. Bobby made the best turkey I have ever tasted! We kept the rest of the meal rather simple, but it came out OH SO GOOD! Tommy loved "big people food" and loved having his grandparents at our house for the day.
Now to continue staying awake so that I can hit the online Black Friday sales I want to take advantage of at midnight. Last night I stayed up for the Toy's R Us sale and got a toy for each of my kids at insane prices! Tonight I'm waiting up for the WalMart online sale. Looks like it's gonna be worth it!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
11:12 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Baking, Cooking, Everyday Life, Family, Fun, Holidays, Kids, Shopping, Stalkers, Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 20, 2008
At Least It Wasn't Chicken Poop!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
1:02 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Art, Chicken, church, Everyday Life, Family, Freak, Friends, Fun, Geekdom, Girly Stuff, Stupidity
Monday, November 17, 2008
Am I All Talk?
Wait, let me clear this up...
I've posted all these dumb blogs about Christmas and holiday planning without actually realizing that THANKSGIVING IS NEXT WEEK!
That makes me an idiot. I thought by mentally evaluating my holidays I was ahead of the times... when in reality I'm behind because I have yet to really begin some of the necessary planning.
To try to catch up, I'm ordering my Christmas Cards today. Hopefully this season won't be so hectic that we forget it's all really about Jesus!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
2:16 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Christmas, Everyday Life, Family, Fun, Geekdom, Stupidity
Ode to Kathy
I love Kathy, yes I do.
She is so cool,
and doesn't at all smell like poo...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
11:11 AM
looks through other eyes
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Random... once again...
Me: Thar she blows! (Referring to the wind while sitting on our front porch.)
Bobby: What? Your butt?
Me: The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
5:06 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Everyday Life, Stupidity
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wow, this week flew by! It seems as though I'm still recovering from LAST week, and here this week is over! On Sunday night I made a "To Do" list for the week. Luckily I gave myself the deadline of tomorrow afternoon since I still have about half of it left. This is going to be our first weekend of "nothing" in awhile though, and I look forward to that. Relaxing at home with Bobby and getting things done around the house. I love when he's home and we can just relax and have a conversation, watch a movie, play with Tommy, WORK ON THE HOUSE, lol. I just really hope he doesn't get stuck in insane traffic on his way home tonight, ugh.
And now I have ditched this blog to go answer the phone... It was Crystal and she wants to get together this afternoon. Maybe I'll take some pictures and blog about it later... or not... We'll see if Kathy is lucky enough.
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
11:38 AM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Everyday Life, Family, Friends, Fun
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I really don't like jerks...
I think the following letter I sent to AIS just now explains all that needs to be said. "James" is probably worried to leave work tonight with fear that I'll be sitting next to his car with a rifle yelling "You want me to PAY for your mistake? NOOOOOOO!!!! You must PAY!" Maybe I should seek anger management? Hmmm... (I wasn't that bad...) ;)
A few moments ago I called in to the billing department with a question about my bill (this is what seems like the hundredth time I've had to call your company in the last few weeks) and was dealt extremely rudely with by "James" from the moment the call began. He actually felt the need to inform me that I was calling into a call center as though I was stupid. Being that my husband runs a call center of a different type, I couldn't believe that this talk and attitude would be tolerated, especially later in the call when he basically told me that nothing could be changed about the situation even though it was no fault of my own (I was told this a few weeks ago when dealing with the situation that lead to this one...) and that I had the freedom to take my policy elsewhere. I'm very thankful to the supervisor who quickly fixed things with my situation, but am very angry with the way "James" handled things. I don't spend my money with your company to be treated as though I don't matter... I'm about to purchase another vehicle in the next few days and now I'm concerned about how things will go when I need to make changes to my policy to accommodate me. Will there be more confusion and second rate service? If it weren't for the supervisor who took care of things my current policy would already be cancelled and I'd be shopping around with the competitors at this moment. I'm very disappointed and I hope this doesn't happen again. I've complained already to enough people of the problems I had before due to Western United's mix up. I'd hate to let them know that AIS has let me down also.
Angela Schott
Unfortunately I had to shorten it to 1000 characters due to their comment box. Oh well... here's what I condensed it to... a little less angry but it makes the point.
Today I called in to the billing dept for what seems like the 100th time I've had to call your company in the last month with a question about my bill & was dealt rudely with by James. He actually felt the need to inform me that I was calling a call center as though I was stupid. Being that my husband runs a call center, I couldn't believe that this attitude would be tolerated. Later in the call I was told that nothing could be done about the situation, though it was no fault of my own; that I had the freedom to cancel my policy. I'm thankful to the supervisor who quickly fixed the problem. But, I don't utilize your company to be treated as though I don't matter. I'm about to buy a 2nd vehicle. I'm concerned about how things will go when I need to make changes. Will there be more confusion & second-rate service? I'm shocked & I hope this won't happen again. I've told enough people of the problems I had before due to Western United's mix up. I'd hate to say that AIS has let me down also.
I still can't get over how rude he was. I'm not one to make complaints usually, but this time it felt pretty darn good! So good, I had to blog about it so my one reader would see it! (Love you Kathy!)
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
1:11 PM
1 looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Challenges, Everyday Life, Freak, Geekdom, Icky, Jerks, Stupidity
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I hate being in a funk. Seriously. I don't know what it is that caused this one unless it's just that I've over extended myself during the course of the last few weeks. I'm not depressed or anything, just, "blah". It takes a bit more motivation for me to do anything from answer an email to go to the store. Everything that must be done is done, but I'm just not in the mood for anything else.
I guess that's called "tired", huh?
Maybe I'll go clean the bathrooms, mop, vacuum, and try to get over it... Before I go to the store...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
3:18 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Challenges, Everyday Life, Freak, Geekdom, Icky, Stupidity
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Christmas Came To Our House...
OK, not quite completely yet... but it has begun!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
9:29 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Baking, Christmas, Everyday Life, Family, Friends, Fun, Kids
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
For the first time in my adult life, I am really dissappointed in my country
HEY! Michelle Obama! I bet you're really proud, now, right?
Well, guess what... let's go over this again in 4 years. I have a feeling that smug attitude is going to be knocked down just a wee bit (though not likely much...) and you'll realize you were all in over your head when you hand our nation over to someone who knows what their doing because your husband is inexperienced and arrogant. What a mess that's going to be to clean up, ugh.
Lord, help us all... Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
9:40 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Challenges, Everyday Life, God, Icky, Politics, Stupidity
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
This was sent to me in an email this morning... found it very interesting...
OK, back to distracting myself from the election and focusing on Christmas!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
12:53 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Politics
Just around the corner...
Whatever happens today...

Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
11:26 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Challenges, Geekdom, Politics
The Luckiest Girl In The WORLD!
Yes? Did you call my name? Why, naturally, that is me! I AM the luckiest girl in the world!
Why, you ask? Well... here's why...
I swear he's one of the best things God ever gave me. (Can't forget salvation and my children, family, and friends.) I go to bed every night and wake up every morning knowing that he loves me and would do anything to take care of and protect our children and I. We're not "perfect", but in this day and age we really do have a wonderful marriage and relationship. Very few men these days have a modern outlook with old fashioned values, and I find that very important. I don't know what I'd ever do without Bobby. He's not only my husband and lovah boy, but also my best friend. He's always there, regardless, the moment I need him. I don't know what I would do without Bobby, and I can say without a doubt I'll love him for the rest of my life. To think, I knew all this after only 3 days of knowing him. Anyone want to doubt the power of love at first sight now?
Oh, and not to mention... his sexy untouchable hotness... HELLO! ;)
Lucky, lucky, lucky, ME!!!!
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
9:00 AM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Bobby, Everyday Life, Family, Fun, Geekdom, Global Warming, Marriage, Mushy, Romance
Monday, November 3, 2008
Dinner tonight...
Baked lemon chicken...
White rice...
Broccoli with cheese sauce...
With that, I'm calling it a dang day. Dinner will be ready in about 10 minutes.
No, I'm not at all bitter that I didn't get breakfast for dinner. Nope! Not me... really...
UPDATE: I ended up making them into "rice bowls" and they were actually REALLY good. Bobby wins... I did get breakfast for breakfast today, so that was good...
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
6:23 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: Chicken, Cooking, Everyday Life, Food, Stupidity
More Chicken! YAY!
As mentioned before, I said I'd be blogging about Cheesy Chicken & Noodles... well here it is!
Last Wednesday Crystal and Kaitlyn came over and spent the afternoon with Tommy and I. They ended up staying for dinner with Bobby, Tommy, and I. As before planned, I served the above mentioned meal. Crystal seemed to really enjoy it and took some home to Kevin who she claims really liked it. Whether they were lying or not, I'm unsure... either way, here is the recipe. (Note that for the veggies I use Broccoli.)
Tonight we may end up with a grilled or baked chicken salad. Use your imagination for that recipe, OK? ;) (I'm a jerk... if you didn't know this by now then hurry up and get over it...)
Randomly thought out by
Angie Schott
2:42 PM
looks through other eyes
Related in someway to: CHEESE, Chicken, Cooking, Everyday Life, Food, Friends