Friday, November 14, 2008


Wow, this week flew by! It seems as though I'm still recovering from LAST week, and here this week is over! On Sunday night I made a "To Do" list for the week. Luckily I gave myself the deadline of tomorrow afternoon since I still have about half of it left. This is going to be our first weekend of "nothing" in awhile though, and I look forward to that. Relaxing at home with Bobby and getting things done around the house. I love when he's home and we can just relax and have a conversation, watch a movie, play with Tommy, WORK ON THE HOUSE, lol. I just really hope he doesn't get stuck in insane traffic on his way home tonight, ugh.

And now I have ditched this blog to go answer the phone... It was Crystal and she wants to get together this afternoon. Maybe I'll take some pictures and blog about it later... or not... We'll see if Kathy is lucky enough.

1 looks through other eyes:

dazsdntell said...

:::::feelin' kinda lucky::::: Woohoo!!

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