Thursday, November 6, 2008

Christmas Came To Our House...

OK, not quite completely yet... but it has begun!

Yesterday after my dentist appointment I stopped by Target to get a few things. I ended up going to the one near Crystal's since it's on the way to my Mom's to pick up Tommy so she met me down there since she needed to get a few things herself.
It should have been obvious to me that this would be the beginning of my Christmas shopping when I walked in and saw the Dollar Aisle filled with Christmas items. I grabbed a few small things for Becca and some small decorations. After we looked at everything from beginning to end there, we went on to the rest of the store. We picked up a few things and made A LOT of notes of what we will buy and what we will not buy. When in the toy aisle I saw that 2 toys Bobby and I were already planning to buy Tommy were about $10 off each! Naturally, I took the bait. I'm excited about already marking things off on his Toys R Us wish list.

So, now it's time to start cracking down on this baking business. I have house work to do today since I was gone all day yesterday and will be gone all day tomorrow, but I'm hoping to at least start making batches. :Fingers Crossed:

0 looks through other eyes:

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