Early this last Summer while he and his sister were here (he lives out of state with his Dad) something had come up about politics. This was while the primaries were still going on and he saw something with a picture of Obama on it and said something about what a great guy he was. Now, having been married to his father for nearly 5 years I wasn't surprised as I knew the man raising my son is a hard core democrat. The way I see it, when it comes to politics I'm not going to force my kids one way or the other, but I will try to make sure they see both sides in EVERY situation. He lives with a democrat, so being 7 years old he's going to be a democrat, for now, also. I mean, what view points can he really have? That's fine. I just showed him some pictures of Fred Thompson... and then a week later of John McCain... lol... and told him these were great guys but they all have their faults and that I'm not at all too crazy about Obama. What do you think he asked me then...
"But what about Hillary Clinton?"
Wow! This kid knows his stuff (He later implied that his step mom was one of her followers.) This conversation carried on for a bit and I think I got across to him that there are both good and bad things about all the candidates, but that we need to pay attention to the important grown up things. I explained that some things he'll understand in a few years, and some now, etc. From my stand point he was very open in his thinking for the rest of the summer, and felt comfortable asking me questions. When I didn't know the answer, I told him honestly that I was unsure and that he should ask his step dad, Grandpa (my dad), or maybe even our pastor. He was liking McCain a little more and more, but still liked Obama. I wasn't reading too much into it, but was very proud of my little man.
So, fast forward to yesterday, Oct. 29th...
Me: So who do you think is going to win the election for president next week?
Jeff: That guy you're voting for tells a lot of lies.
Me: Well, so does the other guy Jeff.
J: Really?
M: Yeah, they are politicians. That's what they do unfortunately.
J: That's not fair.
M: No it's not.
J: Hey! Did you know that Hillary Clinton used to be married to Bill Clinton and he used to be the president until he was killed?
M: Yeah, but she's still married to him.
J: She is? I thought he was dead!
M: Nope, he's still alive.
J: Oh, well, he's not president anymore. George Bush is, and he's not a good president. Bill Clinton was the best president, but that was a really long time ago.
M: Not that long silly, he just stopped being president 2 months before you were born.
J: I know! That was a LONG time ago! Mom? Did you know that when George Washington was president there weren't cars yet? Now that was a long time ago.
M: Yeah, it was.
J: Who was president when cars were invented?
M: I don't know. I can't remember.
J: You should ask Grandpa... or Bobby. They would know, maybe they were there!
I'm pretty certain that my Grandma rolled over in her grave. I blame Crystal for this... she's not doing her job as "godmother". (Kidding, as usual, she wanted to make sure her name was mentioned in my blog...) I asked Tommy if we should ground Jeff and tie him up in his room when he's of voting age and Tommy growled as though he was yelling "Yes!". Though I would never do such a thing to Jeff, I'd like to think that this was confirmation that Tommy will be republican. I'm a nerd, I know.
And another purse string has been cut... :sigh: My baby is growing up too fast!!!
(For the record, I love all of my children equally regardless of their personal viewpoints.)
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