Monday, October 27, 2008

Serial Killer Material

At one point in time I had this genius idea. Yes, it only happened once. I'm sorry to disappoint.

It started with a simple photo of my first child's newborn foot. It was one of my favorite photos for years, and still is. A few years later, I started taking photos of random feet. Ugly, pretty, big, small, shoes, boots, bare, etc. My thought was that I was going to create a coffee table book titled "Keep Your Feet On The Table" or something geeky like that. I don't remember. I even had friends and acquaintances sending me photos for the compilation. It was great.

Then my laptop crashed... and I lost the majority of my photos!

Naturally, over time, I lost interest.

But now... because of the title of this blog I have been inspired to do the same but with EYES!

Won't you? Won't you please? Let me put my camera up to your eye and flash my brilliant light into your life?

Seriously, everyone, feel free to send me photos of your eyes... or cropped photos only including the eyes. I'm weird, creepy, and might just be a freak. Why should that stop you? Try to make it artistic... If it goes well enough maybe I'll get back to my original idea about feet. You never know!

0 looks through other eyes:

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