Thursday, October 9, 2008

What A Difference A Day Makes...

Wow. Don't get me wrong, I'm still sick... but my goodness. I feel SO much better!

Now it's on to those last minute things to get done before we head out on Sunday. Naturally, I'm running behind. I've started on my shopping list, but have yet to actually write/type out what we need to pack for both us and for the baby while he's at my Mom's while were gone. I plan to do some of the shopping tomorrow, and begin packing on Saturday. Such excitement!

Looks like tonight we'll be having spaghetti. It just seems silly to run out and do grocery shopping when we're going to be out of town, so I'm just going to have to make something here. I usually really enjoy spaghetti, but tonight one of our neighbors is barbecuing. It smells SO good... I can almost taste it! Maybe when we get back we'll fire ours up.

Tommy has actually taken a few half decent naps today. The one he's taking right now is included in that. It's been a rough week of very little napping for him. I'm not too sure if it's teething, adjusting to the new home, defiance, or all 3. Regardless, I'm glad he's getting some rest. I've been on the search for a new pediatrician. Not only is he due for shots, but his reflux seems to be worse when he's supposed to be outgrowing it. Poor guy...

Guess I should go start dinner...

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