Quite possibly one of my favorite blogs I've written. Not sure if it's my most absolute favorite, but it's up there. May seem silly, but it came to me after a LOT of pondering...
Monday, August 28, 2006 10:00 PM
Current mood: Category: Games So, last time I typed a blog about an overused word or phrase, it was just HELL! All Hell broke lose. It was just such a hell of a blog, it should have been damned into the lake of fire. Seriously.,, Well, this time, let's focus on Heaven... and Betsy. Why? Why would we wish that Heaven come down to creation and meet up with Betsy? 1: Just who is Betsy. What kind of woman she must be for all of us to be demanding that heaven come to her, instead of her going there? No one is that special, I'm sorry. Get there the same way the rest of us are going, lady. Don't cut in front of me! The line is too long as it is! 2: How are we certain she is going to Heaven? Maybe she deserves fire and brimstone? Maybe a bolt of lightning is going to come out of the sky and smite us for actually calling down heaven on such a despicable creature? We don't know her heart, after all. Bottom line. I don't know Betsy and I don't like the idea of her taking the easy way out. However, I just cannot help myself from saying this phrase. It just rolls off the tongue like sweet butter on a hot biscuit. Mmm.. homemade and old fashioned. Makes me feel.... People, are you kidding me? I feel nothing. Nothing but shame for saying something so stupid as "HEAVEN'S TO BETSY!" Then again, hell isn't such a smart thing to say either. And now I will continue with my mundane life... pondering the great mysteries and in sighting you all when they have been processed. Much love to you, Betsy, and the Heaven's above... and may you have a good night. |
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