Sunday, June 04, 2006 3:46 PM
Current mood: Category: Life Because I have a black man in my car from time to time. Yes, you read that right folks... Here's the rundown... Cory and I were driving ALL OVER THE FRIKKEN WORLD yesterday. Having a good ol' time. We were driving through Santiago Canyon, discussing my theory on Rocks being stupid, throw boys at them and so on. (Not that deep of a conversation, don't worry, you didn't miss anything.) We decided to continue on down Chapman Ave. to In N Out to grab some tasty deluctibles. Well, we're almost there, & I have not done a single thing illegal. Out of nowhere, this guy is on my tail. I just drive like normal. About 2 miles, on my tail. Literally. Finally, pulls me over right in front of In N Out. By the time he finally got to my window, did he tell me what I did wrong? NO. HE LOOKED IN THE CAR AT CORY. Oh yes, my friends, he did. I have never seen racial profiling THIS bad ever. He goes through the whole spiel of license and registration. I didn't have my license, because if you know me, I lost it last week. He didn't care that the car wasn't in my name. He didn't care that I didn't have proof of insurance. He was more concerned as to why I was in OC and why I was letting a black man riding in my car. Wanted to know exactly how long we had known eachother, how we knew eachother, what friends we shared, etc. Now, here's the kicker, he thought I had to be way older than 24. Um, I may have been a little haggered, but that cut deep. Do I look like a frikken prostitute? I know Cory doesn't look like a drug dealer, etc . Something in my gut told me the reason we were pulled over, and everything this cop said made it perfectly clear. So badly, that when he was gone I turned to Cory and stated. "I'm sorry, but did we just get pulled over for having a black guy in a white girl's car?" I felt so sick. :( To make it worse... THE HUGE RATS, YES RATS, OUTSIDE OF IN N OUT ON CHAPMAN IN ORANGE. Good thing the cop didn't hear that I was playing Whitney Houston. Would have been worse if he had gone through my music collection. Janet, Jacko, Whitney. Lil' Jon, Usher.... Might have been able to balance with the Def Leppard & country though... |
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