I probably wouldn't have reposted this one, except that there is a reference to it in my next blog so I figured I'd eliminate the confusion. For the record, in the present day, I don't use the word so freely. Just another way I've mellowed out...
Friday, July 14, 2006 10:12 PM
Current mood: Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping Ever wonder why this word and synonyms for it are used so often? I mean... yeah. A day can be bad. But is it really comparable to your flesh burning, a worm crawling through your body, and demons torturing you? Then again, I've had some of those days. Heck, I'm even known for overusing the phrase... OOPS! There I went again. Teehee. Can you tell I'm bored, suffering a headache from hell... YES HELL! and unable to sleep all on a Friday night while my friends are out doing exciting and fun things. Headaches. Ankle aches. Both are straight from Lucifer himself, I tell you. LUCIFER! YES, LUCIFER! I need Katie to come in here and do her best Sister MacMahon impression "I ReeeeBUKE you!" Think I'll go get some fresh air now. Hope you have enjoyed this blog. Thank you, and I hope you have a HELL of a day! (That is a compliment, which makes no sense whatsoever...) (Good thing my Grandma can't read this, as the first time I said H-E-double hockey sticks she made me stop everything, pray, and then made me sit and think about what I said. Obviously, I did alot of thinking...) |
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